Located in the port city of New Bedford overlooking Buzzards Bay, the new UMass Dartmouth School for Marine Science & Technology (SMAST) research facility houses the largest marine science program in the University of Massachusetts system.
This 64,500 sq. ft. research building was designed to accommodate all of the university’s marine science activities, which focus on biochemical cycling, marine and coastal computation modeling, fisheries science, marine renewable energy, ocean observing/sensing, and ocean physics.
The building features several specialized research laboratories, including a seawater facility with a holding tank for marine organism research; a supercomputer server cluster for climate and oceanographic computational modeling; and a storage area to support fabrication and staging for ocean-going experimental equipment.
The state-of-the-art facility also features teaching labs and classrooms, conference space, offices, and community outreach and partnership spaces.
Sunrise’s scope included ACM panels, corrugated panels, TAKTL panels, curtain wall, storefront and glazing.